Gulfstream G350


Manufacturer Gulfstream
Production Years 2005 - 2012
Engine Manufacturer Rolls Royce
Engine Model TAY 611-8C
Engine Quantity 2 Engines
Thrust 6282 kg
Wingspan 23.71 m
Fuselage 27.22 m
Number of Passengers (Pax) 14 Passengers
Cabin Width 2.23 m
Cabin Length 13.75 m
Cabin Height 1.89 m
Total Cabin Volume 46.95 cu m
Total Baggage Volume 4.79 cu m
Normal Cruise Speed 882 kph
Long-Range Cruise Speed 824 kph
Maximum Cruise Speed 926 kph
Range Map
Optimum Cruise Range 7123 km
Maximum Cruise Range 5775 km
Seats Full Range 6815 km
Ferry Range 7223 km
Ramp Weight 32342 kg
Max Gross Takeoff Weight 32160 kg
Azami İniş Ağırlığı 29938 kg
Max Landing Weight 12837 kg
Usable Fuel Weight 11706 kg
Engine Manufacturer Rolls Royce
Engine Model TAY 611-8C
Engine Quantity 2 Engines
Thrust 13850 lb
Wingspan 77.8 ft
Fuselage 89.3 ft
Number of Passengers (Pax) 14 Yolcu
Cabin Width 7.3 ft
Cabin Length 45.1 ft
Cabin Height 6.2 ft
Total Cabin Volume 1658 cu ft
Total Baggage Volume 169 cu ft
Normal Cruise Range 476 kts
Long-Range Cruise Speed 445 kts
Maximum Cruise Speed 500 kts
Range Map
Optimum Cruise Range 3846 nm
Maximum Cruise Range 3118 nm
Seats Full Range 3680 nm
Ferry Range 3900 nm
Ramp Weight 71300 lb
Max Gross Takeoff Weight 70900 lb
Max Landing Weight 66000 lb
Usaful Fuel Weight 28300 lb
Usable Fuel Weight 25807 lb

Cabin Layout

Gulfstream G350

Range Map

Performance on this page is based on the following assumptions: takeoff temperature, passengers, crew, cruise speed, airways allowance, annual winds, fuel reserve, and similar flight conditions. Please get in touch with us for details.