Embraer Praetor 500


Manufacturer Embraer
Production Years 2019 - Present
Engine Manufacturer Honeywell Engines
Engine Model HTF7500E
Engine Quantity 2 Engines
Thrust 2967 kg
Wingspan 21.49 m
Fuselage 19.69 m
Number of Passengers (Pax) 7 Passengers
Cabin Width 2.08 m
Cabin Length 7.32 m
Cabin Height 1.83 m
Total Cabin Volume 19.96 cu m
Total Baggage Volume 5.38 cu m
Normal Cruise Speed 843 kph
Long-Range Cruise Speed 785 kph
Maximum Cruise Speed 863 kph
Range Map
Optimum Cruise Range 6019 km
Maximum Cruise Range 5712 km
Seats Full Range 5758 km
Ferry Range 6141 km
Ramp Weight 17100 kg
Max Gross Takeoff Weight 17040 kg
Azami İniş Ağırlığı 15500 kg
Max Landing Weight 6630 kg
Usable Fuel Weight 5920 kg
Engine Manufacturer Honeywell Engines
Engine Model HTF7500E
Engine Quantity 2 Engines
Thrust 6540 lb
Wingspan 70.5 ft
Fuselage 64.6 ft
Number of Passengers (Pax) 7 Yolcu
Cabin Width 6.83 ft
Cabin Length 24 ft
Cabin Height 6 ft
Total Cabin Volume 705 cu ft
Total Baggage Volume 190 cu ft
Normal Cruise Range 455 kts
Long-Range Cruise Speed 424 kts
Maximum Cruise Speed 466 kts
Range Map
Optimum Cruise Range 3250 nm
Maximum Cruise Range 3084 nm
Seats Full Range 3109 nm
Ferry Range 3316 nm
Ramp Weight 37699 lb
Max Gross Takeoff Weight 37567 lb
Max Landing Weight 34172 lb
Usaful Fuel Weight 14616 lb
Usable Fuel Weight 13051 lb

Cabin Layout

Embraer Praetor 500

Range Map

Embraer Praetor 500 range maps will be here very shortly.For detailed information about Embraer Praetor 500, please contact us.